My Headlines

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Lang.NET Symposium 2008 is Coming..

by Don Burnett


Lang .NET is a forum for discussion of programming languages, managed execution environments, compilers, multi-language libraries, and integrated development environments. It provides an excellent opportunity for programming language implementers and researchers from both industry and academia to meet and share their knowledge, experience, and suggestions for future research and development in the area of programming languages.

Lang.NET 2008 will be held from January 28 - 30 on the Microsoft corporate campus in Redmond.

The conference program will focus on the pragmatics and experience of designing languages, implementing compilers, and building language tools that target either native or managed execution platforms, such as the DLR, .NET CLR and other implementations of the ECMA CLI. That is, on how to get real programming tools into the hands of real programmers to solve real problems, and on how researchers and practitioners can learn from each other to make this happen.

If you are a language designer, compiler writer, or tool builder in industry or academia, Lang.NET 2008 is a unique opportunity to directly interact with the architects of Microsoft language platforms. Microsoft language technologist will be very active participants in the conference but at least 50% of the program is reserved for presentations by non-Microsoft employees. Each day is concluded with a panel debate. In the evenings there will be ample opportunity for networking during the social events and dinners.


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