My Headlines

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Linux Envy in Vista? We've got the cure.

by Don Burnett

One of the things about Windows Vista as it progressed in development that people expected then for whatever reason went south on us was it's cool 3D functionality right in the OS, things like 3D icons, animation, and manipulation of the desktop in 3D..

Well the Linux community was watching what happened with Vista and came out with something called "Beryl" a 3d Desktop manager and  outshone Vista before it got to release for snappiness and 3d Coolness..


Well not to be outdone a cool programmer from France (Chris'soft) has came out with a 3d Virtual Desktop Manager for Vista and XP that does the same kind of 3d Switching..

It's called

Yet anOther Desktop Manager 3D

or YOD'M 3D

It's a free download that you can get here!

I am using it and it's very stable... It's fun and worth the download.

Documentation can be found here..

1 comment:

Scott Barnes said...

I think i'm gonna cry as this is so damny sexy...